Hi there! I think it's fun to know the person behind the camera or paintbrush, so here we go! I'll keep it short & sweet.
My name is Lauren LaBeau Steadley and I'm lucky enough to be married to my sweet husband, Ryan, for over 16 years now. I'm dog obsessed, but more on that at the end. I absolutely LOVE to paint. It’s my happy place, my therapy, my passion.
This next bit is a tad clichéd and personal, but necessary to tell my story and my why. My dad died when I was twelve and that loss has shaped the rest of my life. And I don't mean in a negative way. He was amazing, I was one lucky kid! It just brought to the forefront the reality that we have got to treasure every darn moment we've got on this earth and make sure to leave it a better place when we're gone. He did. When I photograph young families (my favorite!!!) I am always reminded of how whimsical and how fleeting my childhood years were. These memories really do last a lifetime. I'm lucky my dad took the time to make so many memories with me. And my mom too, of course. She was the one taking so many pictures! So, take those photos, take the trip, take the time out for a date night, take those memories and hold them close! The photos I have of my dad are all my husband knows him by. And you better believe those are priceless.

Short & sweet... I'm trying! Quick rundown:
Husband, painting, photography, family... Traveling! One word: Paris. The art, the food, the wine! C'est une belle vie. My first trip to Paris is why I signed up for photography classes in the first place! Paris and Sophie, that is.
Oh, Sophie. I love dogs, but most of all my Sophie girl, my heart dog. Memories with her are cherished. We all know a dog's life is way, way too short. She just turned 14 and has been battling cancer for over a year! She has inspired me to do many things, two of which are photography and fostering rescue pups. We adopted our five pooches and hope to continue to give other abandoned pups a chance at life and the kind of love all dogs deserve. We've fostered about 400 dogs within the last thirteen years. If you are in the Evergreen area and are in need of photos of your foster, please contact me for gifted 'Adopt me!' photos.
Studio & Natural Light Photographer
focus on pets
Pet Portrait Artist
acrylic, watercolor